Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It's been a while since I've posted anything, I've been busy getting settled into college and starting class. So far I've been enjoying it. I'm more excited about taking my major classes which is Communication, specializing in Public Relations, and I'm minoring in Fashion Merchandise. I honestly wasn't sure about coming to college, because its not for everybody and I'm not a fan of all this extra work that has nothing to do with what I really want to do in life. But I also think most people just need to have the experience and it could really help you socially for networking with other people who might share the same  field of interest as you do. I've  been thinking about maybe just doing two or two and a half years of school and then go off to pursue what I want to do. I'm not sure yet, I'm just going to complete this first year of school and see how it goes. If I really enjoy it I just might do all four years but if I still like it but feel like I should just do two years, that's what I'll do. I pretty much know what I want to do in life and I just need to write down minor goals to achieve to get me to where I want to be. As far as living the 'College Life' I'm enjoying it. It's different from the everyday high school routine but I'm adapting to it. 
And since I forgot to do Music Monday in a while I'll leave you'll with this:

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