Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quality VS Quanity

As I sit here thinking about what clothes I'm going to purchase when my paycheck arrives or through the summer and for school, I've come to thought do I really need this and that and so forth. For me, buying clothes is more than "oh thats cute I want that". I look at the quality of the material, where I'm buying it from and is it something I really need rather than just buying it cause I 'have' the money. I've been cleaning out my closet for some time now, and looking back at some of the things I bought and just wonder "why did I even buy this?" I know I'm not the only one who has asked that same question before. I love clothes and shoes, and when I start building up my wardrobe again, I don't want to have to ask that question, what I buy from now on is what I KNOW I'm going to wear and love. To me, I don't have to own tons of clothes to show "I'm fly" or all that bull people say/do these day. If I have a small amount of clothes, it wouldn't matter to me as long as I know they are the best quality and that I like and can manage with it. People get the misinterpretation that having a lot of clothes or shoes makes you some fashion god or fly as you kids say. Your sadly mistaken. Its about how you present the product you wear, and is the product quality up to par and worth the dollars you spend on it. Because I've seen many people spend more money than they should on items thats not worth it. But its their choice also, I just know when I buy stuff I make sure its worth the bills.

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