This week is my Spring Break, a well needed break for sure. I arrived on Friday, and one of the things I always do is get me some chipotle because that’s the best place in the world. I heard there’s one around my school but I’m not sure, I don’t have a car so I don’t try to go. This week has been great though, sleeping in, no alarm clock to wake you up for class, eating home cooked meals, and actually having the time to eat breakfast too. I’ve been relaxing all week, it’s been wonderful, and got my hair done, that was much needed also. I think I’m going back Sunday so I got to enjoy these few days left, then knock this month and a half of class out so I can leave. Hopefully, I hear from Temple and George Mason soon, I’m leaning more towards Temple though, I love Philadelphia.
But when of course when I came home, I had some things here;

I filled out a survey a while back on
DCtoBC (check it out) one of my favorite sites to check. As a reward for completing that survey, Modi sent a letter and some stickers. They’re doing some great things so be on a look out for that.

If you don’t know about The Award Tour then it’s your lost. This is an incredible brand. Phil came out with another collection of beanies and of course I just had to get one. Even though it’s barely cold any more I still bought, it’ll be use for next winter. I suggest you’ll get one too, these keep your head more warm, and it’s comfortable.